Friday, April 8, 2011

Secrets to living a very long life

The major it of the elderly people are sick or have some physical disability, but others are very healthy and appear to live a long time later. The secrets to live a very long life are: Take rest and sleep like 8 hours per day, have a good alimentation like people that live in blue zones, they said: ¨Have a breakfast like a kind, lunch like a princess and dinner like poor people¨, and in this foods don´t forget to eat fruits, vegetables, and you can include nuts and sea food, those are very health. Also, have time with your family, friends and smile, because this time reduces the stress and changes your attitude and your way to see the life. Make exercises and have activities that allow you to develop your abilities. ¨Elderly people are very valuable people and we should take care of them too much¨

1 comment:

  1. You are right, we need to take care of our selves so we can have a very long life. We should do a lot of excersice and try to see life as positive as posible. That can help us a lot
