Friday, April 8, 2011

Lifehouse's Everything Skit - Upper Room (Updated)


There are a lot of places that have a special kind of food. Wherever place that we are going in the street, we can see different kinds of food like fast food: Mac Donald, KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hot and others. The problem of the fast food is that it isn´t healthy for us and if we make it part of our daily routine, we can have later health problems like diabetes, high pressure, overweight and a lot of illnesses to affect your health. So is better to reduce eating fast food for your health because you can see the advertising that appears to be delicious but not always you can eat those ones.

Immigration in Costa Rica

The majority of people that are immigrants come to Costa Rica to have better opportunities from works, studies and have ¨peace¨. They are Nicaraguans, Colombians and northamerican people. In my opinion, the positive aspects is that we can learn about different cultures, and the students that exchange from other countries to know Costa Rica, they teach us, too. But if we talk about the negative aspects we can say that the problem is that they bring different customs that aren´t good like violence and cause political problems.


In the university is important to practice the studies with homework so that you know very well because is for your career and when we are in the school we don´t understand why we study or for what, so I wish I had more homework in school because this made us more successful. The only way to know if we learn and understand is practice with homework that teachers give us.


We know that philanthropist people who give money for others that really need it. In my opinion, philanthropist are people that know the value of life and help and care about people that are poor or have some disability or are sick, and in the less of the cases for people that can develop in something and they don’t have the resources for do it. Help to others or giving something that they need is contribute for yourself because you don´t know when you need some help and this help come back to you.

In my case, I help people when they need and I can do it.

Secrets to living a very long life

The major it of the elderly people are sick or have some physical disability, but others are very healthy and appear to live a long time later. The secrets to live a very long life are: Take rest and sleep like 8 hours per day, have a good alimentation like people that live in blue zones, they said: ¨Have a breakfast like a kind, lunch like a princess and dinner like poor people¨, and in this foods don´t forget to eat fruits, vegetables, and you can include nuts and sea food, those are very health. Also, have time with your family, friends and smile, because this time reduces the stress and changes your attitude and your way to see the life. Make exercises and have activities that allow you to develop your abilities. ¨Elderly people are very valuable people and we should take care of them too much¨

Friday, March 4, 2011

Animal Intelligence

About the evolution of the life, we can see a lot of animals that are so intelligent. We can`t understand how they understand us becaue we think that they don`t think, but they listen and watch us and learn, too. They can`t talk, but if we teach them some words, they practice the word in their minds and later when we talk to them, they understand, not all of them but the most intelligent animals like dogs, monkeys, dolphins and others that are more commun intelligent animals. So we can teah them, to improve their knowledge because they are intelligent and like a child, they need that we teach them for they know and have a behavior too, they don`t learn like a child becaue are animals, but some things they get and practice. English iii rico the dog